Journalism in the Nutmeg State.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Rossibly Rerminated?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


WTIC has decided to unload Stan Simpson's radio show as a belt-tightening measure.
Meanwhile, here is the kind of thing the Courant is mind bogglingly bad at.

The above link is to Simpson's blog. Here is Simpson's column page. How do you get from his column page to his blog? Simpson may have more to say on Sunday on the similarly initialed Shelly Sindland's show.

Paper Cuts

A way to keep track of the grimness.

Plenty to cry about

Greg Morago, who took the most recent Hartford Courant buyout, is one of the few to find a happy landing, as a food editor for the Houston Chronicle.
Tuesday night saw a small -- well, smaller than in the "old days" --group gather at the Firebox on Broad Street to say goodbye to Greg, but Courant gatherings nowadays have a hard time being about one thing.

Discussion topics ranged around among myriad woes, including the plight of "vendors," a category that includes many writers who were owed money prior to the bankruptcy filing. In that category are, ironically, Morago and your Printer's Devil (who is owed $4,500). It appears that Tribune slowed or stopped payments to many of us, knowing that this fateful day would come. We are now hostages to this process and do not know when or if we will see a dime. It's high finance's way of saying Happy Holidays, schmucks!
There are, however, other people with graver worries -- people whose actual buyout packages may be tainted by the bankruptcy.
Some of think there are, at this point, troubling holes in the story.
And yet, we made merry.